Club Spotlight: Los Compas GC
Founder: Rudy Garcia
Based: La Puente, CA
Courses You Play: Everywhere (Alhambra, Brookside, San Dimas, Griffith, Sepulveda)
Club website:
Social media handles: @los_compas_golf_club
FORE: How did your club start, Rudy?
I started playing during COVID and like most, fell in love with the game, and thought it would be cool to start playing with other new and established golfers. One afternoon I booked a foursome and asked for players via the Southern California Golf Community (SCGC) Facebook group to play a round at Alhambra. Nic Luna, Gordon Bardack and one of my closest friends now, Jose Mendoza, were the three “strangers” that came out, and we immediately hit it off. Then I threw together a 40-person tournament. The event was a massive success, and within a week I had submitted my club application to the SCGA. Just like that, Los Compas Golf Club (LCGC) was born.
What is the mission of your club?
To bring folks of all handicaps together for one thing and one thing only: to have a good time. The word “Compa” isn’t just the name of our club, it also means “friend,” and the most beautiful thing about this group is that every member defines the member next to them as just that. I want to create a space for folks of similar principles whose primary goal is to come out, play golf and enjoy spending a few hours together.
What makes your club unique/special/different?
Members genuinely care about each other. We literally bring a familial vibe to each and every event. We celebrate kids, birthdays, new jobs and promotions. We help each other when times are tough. Members go out of their way to help someone move, or help someone who needs gas money. Shoot, I had a member come out on New Year’s Eve and help me swap out two flat tires on my car. We ended up celebrating the New Year on the side of the road.
What type of events does your club offer?
More than 30 events per year, including a season-long competition for the Compas Cup. We have three major events, as well as several scrambles, alternate-shot and other formats. This calendar year we’re heading to Phoenix for our second annual desert trip. In October, we’re heading to Maui with our families to enjoy aloha golf and sunshine. Members can also expect family barbeques, NFL Sundays, random golf trips across the border and more.
What are some initiatives you’d like to accomplish?
It’s important to me to give women a space to come out and feel comfortable on the course. I want to make sure folks can experience the love and support of a club while giving it hell on the golf course. I also want to discover more opportunities for philanthropy. I want to deliver food/gifts/ school supplies/etc. to the communities in need around Southern California. In 2022, we made a significant donation over the holidays to the Youth Foundation of Cudahy, one of the poorest cities in Los Angeles County. I’d like to develop a youth program where we spend one day over the summer donating our time to teaching kids the game at a Junior Compas clinic. And of course, to continue to create a great experience for our members.