New Year, Different Resolutions: If Nothing Else Works, Try a Different Pair of Socks

With the New Year comes well-intentioned resolutions, many of which are the same every January. But let’s think outside the box and contemplate three less obvious goals you’ve probably never thought of.
I’m talking about that golf group you frequently play with that consists of at least one or two people you really don’t like. Sure, they might be the only players whose schedules match up with yours, but if you don’t really like them, then what are you even doing? We’ve all heard that “we are a product of our environment.” Well, if you are around Gloomy Glen for the entirety of your round, that energy is going to affect you.
How do you feel driving home after a round of golf when the players in the group weren’t that fun? It sucks, right? Just as golf imitates life, this goes beyond the course. I suggest decluttering your golf groups of people who don’t serve your overall mental health and applying that cleanse to all aspects of your life.
My husband recently purchased a new pair of socks with fancy arch support or something bougie like that. With sincerity in his voice, he confidently announced that those socks were the key to a better golf game. As I was trying not to laugh, I quickly realized that, true or not, what really matters is the fact that he believes it.
Audit your golf wardrobe and pay attention to which pieces you love and why. Then go out and purchase something new that makes you feel the same way. I’ll bet that more confidence begets better performance. Whether anything really changed or not.
Too many players act like their life is on the line as they stand over every shot. Sure, you might need to get up and down to win the three-hole carryover, or your personal best score might depend on making a slippery four-footer. But even in those instances, it’s still not life or death. Stop playing like it is.
The game of golf is just that … a game. It’s very possible to be focused enough to play well and still be able to enjoy yourself. Try it. You might even wonder why it took you so long to lighten up. Have fun! Let’s all pledge to pay attention to what (and who) makes us feel good and gravitate toward that in 2024.