Finding a Golfing Community

In the 1990s, I was looking for an activity for my husband Ron and I to do together. We were both workaholics and golf had the appeal of forcing us to spend several hours away from the office. Ron knew I was serious when I booked us lessons at 7 a.m. – I am NOT a morning person! We started out playing with hand-me-down clubs from his parents; our first new sets were paid for when I won $20,000 in a Las Vegas blackjack tournament.
For me, I really found my golf community when I joined EWGA-LA in 1995, the first year of its existence, making me a Charter Member. I’ve remained a member continually since then, and have received incredible benefits over that time. My original intention in joining was to make more women friends who enjoyed the game of golf and have more fun playing opportunities. Due to a demanding career, I was rarely available to play on Tuesdays, the traditional “Ladies’ Day” at most private and public clubs – weekends were my golf days. EWGA holds most regular events on the weekend, making it an ideal group for busy career women. It is a “clubless” organization – instead of always playing the same course, we rotate around many Southern California venues. Volunteers organize each event, coming up with themes and games. Socializing before and after golf allows us to get to know those not in our foursomes and to make plans for more golf!
During my 20+ years with EWGA, my golfing girlfriends and I have shared lots of laughs, some tears, delicious food and drink, fun trips, golf tips and discounts. We’ve been there for each other through deaths, divorce, illness and injury; shared each others’ joy in marriages, births of children and grandchildren, new jobs and retirements. We’ve cheered each others’ great shots, laughed and commiserated over missed putts and bad rounds, mentored new golfers and been thrilled by our chapter superstars.
Because our competitions are flighted and offer prizes for both gross and net, I can enjoy competing against those in my handicap range – or I can just play for fun. Conferences and competitions have given me the opportunity to meet other golf-loving women from across the country. Being part of a large international women’s golf organization also allows us to help improve conditions and be an advocate for women golfers everywhere.
Oh, and over the years Ron has received two more sets of new clubs with my casino winnings!
For information on how to join Kathy as an EWGA member, click here.