Stroke Awareness

If you’re like most golfers, you don’t take a smooth putting stroke. And your scores suffer because of it. But Odyssey is out to change that. And you can feel the difference, right from the first stroke. Its 10 new Stroke Lab putters feature an ultra-light, multi-material shaft — a graphite body with a steel tip that combines with a heavy grip and putter head. That combination alters the typical weight distribution you’re accustomed to, which helps improve your stroke consistency. It honestly feels as if the clubhead perfectly guides you through the stroke on its own power.
Actually, every new Odyssey putter comes equipped with the shaft now — not just the latest models. The company claims your backstroke, face angle at impact, ball speed and direction will improve, and officials have the test data to prove it. The feel is more extreme than with counterbalanced models you may have tried in years past.
“The fatal flaw of old counterbalanced putters is the shaft was too heavy,” says Sean Toulon, senior vice president of Callaway Golf and general manager of Odyssey. “By comparison, these are easy to accelerate, they release the putter head better, and you can feel the putter as a whole better.”