Dropping Zones

Relief Under the Rules of Golf Explained
There may be a situation during a player’s round when there are practical problems with using the normal relief option. To help in these situations a Committee, or club, may institute a dropping zone on the course. A dropping zone is a special relief area used as an additional option for numerous rules (e.g. Penalty Areas, Unplayable Ball, Abnormal Course Conditions).
Some key points regarding a dropping zone:
▪ When taking relief in a dropping zone, the ball must be dropped in and come to rest in the dropping zone.
▪ Dropping zones are typically defined by a white painted line (circle or square) with a “DZ” painted on the ground or identified by a sign. The Committee does not have to paint a dropping zone but must define the area or margins of the dropping zone. It should be at least one club-length in radius.
▪ If the dropping zone is defined by a line on the ground, the line is inside the dropping zone.
▪ When dropping a ball in a dropping zone, the player does not have to stand inside the dropping zone.
▪ Multiple dropping zones can be used in certain rules situations. When this is the case, the Committee should specify which dropping zone to use (e.g. the player should use the nearest dropping zone or the nearest dropping zone not nearer the hole).
▪ The two most common uses of a dropping zone are: (1) as an extra option for taking relief from a penalty area; or (2) as an extra option for taking relief from an abnormal course condition.
▪ To utilize a dropping zone, the Committee must institute a model local rule (MLR), either MLR E-1.1, E-1.2 or E-1.3.
▪ The location of a dropping zone should be situated so that the architectural challenge of the hole is maintained and it should not be placed closer to the hole than where the player would take relief under the specific rule being applied.
Follow these tips and the use of a “DZ” can be simple when taking relief and may ultimately help pace of play.
If you have additional questions on the Rules of Golf, please contact the SCGA Rules Crew at champs@scga.org